A couple of years back, I saw a film named after the main character - a scrappy teen named "Juno".
She was a sassy, attitude-rich girl who was very much trying to figure out who she was - her 'partner' in a comedy-of-errors bout of unprotected sex and unplanned pregnancy was a clueless young man who kept saying things like "Wizard! Whose idea was it?"
That someone with a copy of Photoshop and too much time on their hands would make the leap from Juno and the character of Paulie Bleeker to Palin and McCain was probably a foregone conclusion.
The other day, Ms. Palin released her book, "Going Rogue". I haven't read the book - this isn't a review; I don't plan on reading it, either.
I finished "See Spot Run" a long-assed time ago.
The comments from Palin's book which have made it into the press since the book's release are true Palin gems. In one, she references a photograph of her husband, Todd, who was shirtless and holding their new baby - "Dang! Divorce Todd? Look at him!"
Palin hasn't failed to entertain us - when asked about potential ethics investigations regarding her spending habits and other 'activities' as governor, she said that there was a big difference between the White House and the state of Alaska - among other things, the 'department of law' would protect her if she won the White House in 2012.
Of course, there's no 'department of law' in the Federal government - there's a 'Justice Department' - and they've not been kind to anyone on either side of the political aisle where ethics are involved. We've also been asked as a nation and a civil-body-politic to conveniently forget that she quit the her last elected office, for no real reason anyone could define (the rumors that she'd resigned just ahead of a nasty ethics probe remain unproven).
Her running mate, John McCain, made some watered-down comments about Palin's book - we're left to consider whether or not he'll read it, or use it for a doorstop.
Palin, for her part, is losing no time doing a book tour. While legions of android teenagers and their Junior League soccermoms alike wait dutifully in line for an autograph and a word or two of advice from their new heroine on becoming the next Michele Bachmann, Palin took time to write a quick post to her Facebook page on the decision to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammad in a civilian court: "...Horrible decision, absolutely horrible. It is devastating for so many of us to hear that the Obama Administration decided that the 9/11 terrorist mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, will be given a criminal trial in New York. This is an atrocious decision.... Criminal defense attorneys will now enter into delaying tactics and other methods in the hope of securing some kind of win for their “clients.” The trial will afford Mohammad the opportunity to grandstand and make use of his time in front of the world media to rally his disgusting terrorist cohorts...If we are stuck with this terrible Obama Administration decision, I, like most Americans, hope that Mohammad and his co-conspirators are convicted. Hang ‘em high."
She went on to write that a 'hung jury' or 'court room technicalities' might prevent 'just punishment'.
While McCain is probably saying, "Wizard! Whose idea was it?", Palin has just proved (again) what we already knew - that she has no grasp of the Constitution, the legal system, or any of their basic tenets.
Now, think about this one: Half the country seems to want this woman to run for President. They're perfectly willing to elect someone who (1) quit her last elected post for no reason; (2) has no real knowledge of how the country works, and (3) would throw out large parts of the Constitution to suit her personal agenda.
Due process? Throw it out -- replace it with 'hang 'em high'. Is everyone entitled to an adequate defense? Not in Palin's book - in fact; she thinks its a 'horrible decision' to allow Mohammad and any of his co-conspirators any sort of a defense at all - because it would let Mohammad 'grandstand'. Roe? Forget about it - "...Well, let's see. There's, of course in the great history of America there have been rulings, that's never going to be absolute consensus by every American. And there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade..." (Coherent thought, evidently, isn't her forte, either.)
"Pro-life?" Absolutely. "...I pledge to you that, if we're elected, you will have a friend and advocate in the White House...."
I'll give Ms. Palin this - she's entertaining. Sometimes, more entertaining than that other 'Juno'.
The real problem, however, is that the lights won't come on after the movie. We won't be able to joke about her snarky comments, and his cluelessness. If she's elected, no matter who she chooses as a running-mate, we'll have to endure - and that won't be funny -- not at all....