"A photo on the Seattle-based company's U.S. Web site shows two men, one Asian and one black, and a white woman seated at a conference room table. But on the Web site of Microsoft's Polish business unit, the black man's head has been replaced with that of a white man," AP reports. "The color of his hand remains unchanged."
MacDailyNews Take: Vitiligo? Also, the white guy's head is too small. He's looks like the white Beetlejuice. Leave it to Microsoft to fail when taking on Photoshop. Again.
Full article here.
BBC News reports, "Microsoft said it had pulled the image and would be investigating who made the changes. It apologised for the gaffe."
"The altered image, which also featured an Asian man and a white woman, was quickly circulated online," The Beeb reports.
Full article here.
MacDailyNews Take: Some might say, "There are very few black people in Poland, so that's why Microsoft replaced him with the shrunken-headed white guy." Then can someone please explain why did the Asian dude got to keep his seat at the table?