So let me get this straight...
1. Right to a job...gotta move to Mexico for that.
2. Right to earn enough for food, clothing, and recreation...Damn gotta be a CEO to do that.
3. Farming for a decent living...well we know how that will work out.
4. A small businessman to trade without the domination of monopolies...will the corporation sit down so that the American people can stop crawling.
5. Right to a decent home...HOME we dont have a home, we have a mortgage and bills, cant take pride in something you cant spend ten minutes to enjoy. Im working to damn hard for the money.
6. Right to adequate health care...to quote Bulworth"SOCIALISM"!
7. Right to a good education...wanna know why Johnny cant read...the teacher cant read either, or is too damn afraid of Johnny's gang affiliation or his "trench coat mafia" to help the little overprotected thug.
8. Economic protection of the sick, unemployed, and the elderly...you will not see a dime from social security when you are watching your tax dollars get sent to Blackwater for private corporation's protection.
People you cant be so emotionally deficient to need a marketing strategy to make you feel good about something that is good...
If you do....
Try this... humanity...EVEN A CAVEMAN CAN DO IT!
Im done!